20 Openers That’ll Have Your Russian Woman Replying Immediately

Today, when you are dating good texting, is a key to success. You can look good, can have an interesting bio, be a match of fantastic and attractive girls, but nothing will happen between you if you don’t use the right lines to draw women’ attention.
Russians have a quotation that says: women love with their ears and men – with eyes, meaning that if for you attractive appearance is enough to like a person and fall in love, women expect you to say something special to them, that will make them like you.
So if you start seeing a Russian bride, you might need a small guide on how to text her so that she replies immediately. Let’s look here at the best pick up lines you can use to make her fall for you.
Pros of texting
When you know how to get a woman excited about you, you basically get access to everything: you can ask her number, ask her out or offer to show you some of her photos. Plus, you will give her something to discuss with her friends and to highlight you as a top candidate for relationships.
What is good about texting is that you get plenty of time to think about your response. You can choose the right words or even google what to say or ask your friend for help. And if you don’t know how to text correctly yet, don’t worry, as it is a skill you can easily get if you keep trying.
Texting is a simple and much convenient way to talk to a person because you get to think on your answers, you can answer shortly and specifically and also you both feel more secure when you are texting than making calls if you don’t know each other well. Plus, it doesn’t take away your time, because your response will take you 5 minutes max and when you make a call you have to stop doing everything and concentrate on what you are talking about.

Top openers for Russian girls
So if you are thinking: “Will she reply me back?”, the following information is definitely for you. Yes, she will and she will do it immediately.
One last thing is that the girl has to be interested in you in order to answer you back. If she is not, you don’t have many chances to get her.
To start a conversation, be simple, open and true. You can be playful and flirty as well if it matches your personality, but don’t fake any text you are sending. So start with a simple:
- “Hello. What’s up?”
- Or you can say something funny like: “I just stubbed my toe on my bed — hope your morning is going better than mine!”
Then you should remind her about yourself or where you met. You can do it in a funny way, like:
- I heard you met a really amazing and handsome guy at (insert where you met her)
- So… Meet any awesome guys at (insert where you met her)?
- Do you always pick-up guys at (insert where you met her)?
- Hey you. It’s your internet husband (insert your name). (This is if you’ve met her online)
- I know you haven’t been able to stop thinking about me since we met so I figured I’d say hi.
If you want to ask a girl on a date you can say:
- “Hey, how is your week looking like?”
- If she is interested in you and spending time in your company, she will say something like: “I am free Friday and Saturday”.
Or if she is not, she will say she is busy and you can leave the conversation.
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When you want to get her to know better, you can ask questions like:
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- Do you think it is better to be single or to be married?
- Is there such a thing as a perfect relationship for you?
- Do you think it is more difficult to marry someone from a different country?
- I can’t resist your charms.
- What is you dream
- If you could be now anywhere in the world, where would it be?
- What is your ideal weekend?
- What if it was your last day, what would you do?
Also add emotions to your texts with emojis. And keep her excited all the time. Be funny, simple and nice, but flirty at the same time. Last three phrases that will help you get her would be:
- Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your smile is?
- I spent the best time with you. Wanna repeat some time?
- Watched the movie you advised me. It is really good. What do you think of…
Your responses will depend on the situation you were having with her. Just remember that she will answer you if she is interested and that you should be true about yourself.