How To Get An Asian Girlfriend

Have you ever wondered what an Asian woman wants? Well, that’s what this guide is here for, to tell you all the spicy tips and tricks you’ll need to know to start looking for your Asian girlfriens online.
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Don’t single out women for being Asian
Sure, you may want to find an Asian girlfriend. Everyone has preferences. But that doesn’t mean you should be telling her that. More specifically, don’t tell her you’re dating her because she’s Asian, and please don’t tell her she’s better than “all those white women” because she’s Asian.

It’s a really weird and offensive thing to say. The only part where race comes in is when you’re actually looking for the girl, and once you find the girl you want to date, you should treat her exactly the same as you’d treat any other girl. An Asian woman isn’t necessarily different from an American woman, or an Indian woman, or a European woman personality-wise. Being Asian isn’t a personality trait, and she knows it. Just make sure that you do as well.
Don’t assume that all Asians are the same
This partially relates to the previous point, but it’s important enough to be discussed as a separate one. It’s incredibly racist to assume that someone is from a certain region just because they’re Asian. Don’t greet someone who’s Asian with “Ni Hao” because you think it’s polite, what if it turns out that she’s Japanese and not Chinese?
One way to be respectful about it is to treat her like a woman who’s Asian, instead of an Asian woman, if that makes sense. Let the “Asian” part just be something that’s a part of her, not something that defines her. Once you’re actually into the process of dating her, then you should ask her more about where she’s from.
Ask about her culture
Women coming from Asia usually have an incredible culture. So, asking her more about where she’s from would give her a chance to explain all the nuances and finer things about her life and background to you. This is when you can find out more about her and then appreciate the Asian culture.
Taking such an interest is something that every Asian woman will absolutely appreciate. You can even go a step further and try learning various phrases from her native language. Imagine that you’re meeting up for a date, and you mention a few phrases to your match in her own language. It’ll definitely remind her of home, and it’ll also show her that you’re paying attention. That instantly boosts her attraction to you. Moreover, now you know some local phrases, in case you’re ever visiting her country too. It’s a win-win situation.
Pay attention to her
Listen to what she’s saying, respond to her points with your own ones. Don’t be a mat for her to walk on, and don’t be a wall for her to speak to. You can’t be someone that just parrots what she’s saying without an opinion. Have your own ideas to counter her points, be someone that has a personality of their own.
It’s incredibly easy for an Asian woman to see that you’re being a shell of an interesting human being, and it’s a big turn-off. So it’s imperative that you don’t be one.

Keep these in mind when dating an Asian girlfriend
These points aren’t big enough to warrant their own paragraphs, but it’s best to follow them anyways, as they’re especially important when dating an Asian girlfriend.
- Don’t buy into the myth of Asian women being family-oriented, it’s an old-fashioned thing.
- Don’t mention your random Asian friends to her just because both of them are Asian.
- However, do tell her about your close Asian friends if it’s within a context of a conversation, it’s a good way for her to get to know your important friends.
These tips are just some ways that you can find yourself dating an Asian woman. You don’t have to follow them religiously, but if you keep them in mind when you’re looking for an Asian woman, you’ll definitely have more success than before. Be sure to do a proper research before starting your wonderful journey.