Types Of Russian Woman Scams And Ways To Avoid Them

Nowadays, it is difficult to scare someone with fraud and scams since they are present almost in every aspect of our life. No wonder that even the sphere of love and relationships is not an exception. With the desire to get money from another person, people make up profiles on dating platforms, social media, and other websites, try to get in the trust of another person, and receive as much money from him as possible. Unfortunately, many of these scammers are Russian women who want to get only monetary benefit from online dating. They use different approaches to achieve their goal, but there are several most popular types of dating site scams.

Basic types of Russian online dating site scams
The number-one scam is called ‘catfishing’. Women register on dating websites, create appealing profiles often using photographs of other personalities, and start hunting for vulnerable victims. They show their affection within a short period of time and ask their online partner for help, gifts, financial support, etc. They give a lot of promises but never fulfill them.
The most popular ‘fairy tales’ used to knock the partner down look as follows:
- Request to pay for a money postal order;
- Request to pay for a new passport, flight, education, medical treatment, etc.;
- Request to pay taxes in order to be eligible for leaving the country;
- Request to pay for phone bills to communicate with the victim etc.
If requests do not work, one of the ways to make another side pay money is blackmail. One of the Russian women dating scams involves realizing a sexual fantasy in exchange for real money. There are even ladies that record acts of online sex with partners and blackmail them with photos, videos, etc.
Russian girl scams can be very different and go beyond the Internet frames. Online socializing can be only the preliminary stage. When a girl manages to convince a victim to pay for her flight and arrives in the country of his location, they have another fraudulent scheme. Their main goal is to make a victim spend as much money as possible within a short period of time. So they order very expensive services of interpreters and taxi drivers to share profit, live in the costly accommodation, eat in luxurious restaurants, ask for luxurious gifts, etc. Soon they leave and stop answering to the messages and calls of their victims.
Warning signs of Russian romance scams
There are scenarios that are the most popular with dating scams and it is not difficult to understand that. There are signs that can hint you at the possibility of being cheated, so never send money to a woman if she does the following:
- Professes a strong feeling towards you after a couple of contacts only;
- Asks you for chatting privately fast enough;
- Fills her profile inconsistently;
- Tells you elaborate stories and asking for monetary help;
- Sends poorly written, short messages that introduce love very quickly;
- Requests money more deliberately and consistently if you do not send it;
- Repeats asking for money even after you have sent some;
- Has a lot of excuses for different occasions;
- Does not keep promises.

How to protect yourself from Russian bride scam
It is possible to meet true love online and never get into the trap of dating sites scams if you know how to protect yourself. These are important pieces of advice for every man who searches for a partner online:
- Avoid sending funds to women you have never seen face-to-face;
- Try not to focus on emotions and be cool communicating with ladies;
- Perform an image search of your partner or try to find a social media profile by name, date of birth, location, etc. to compare if she is honest with you;
- Be alert to the inconsistency of information they provide or a constant lack of time to speak to you with a web camera on;
- Never send compromises to people you know not long;
- If you decided to meet a person, tell your family or friends what country and city you are going to and some details about your match;
- Never share credit card details or bank account details with anyone;
- Do not send personal documents or their copies to other people.
In fact, all these pieces of advice are predictable if to use a clear and cool mind. It is important to remember them each time you start online communication and never be ruled only by emotions. It will help you to avoid scams and find your love match without negative experience.