Main Colombian Dating And Marriage Customs And Traditions

Colombian dating traditions are very different from what Westerners are used to when dating. If you don’t want to get in an awkward situation and strive to avoid all possible misunderstandings because of the differences you have with your Latina girlfriend, read the article below to learn all about Colombian culture relationships.
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Here are the things to know about Colombian culture to make your dating more enjoyable, successful, and less stressful.
Things to know about Colombian relationship culture

It’s a must. You can’t date Colombian women for marriage and not to be romantic. Romance is the very essence of any relationship in Colombia. Colombian men are very passionate and adventurous. They’re used to doing all that crazy stuff for their girls. If you don’t feel comfortable, at least, calling your girlfriend pet names, hugging and kissing her in public, and expressing your feelings a lot, then you’d better consider if dating a Colombian is a good idea for you.
Public display of affection
If you’re interested in attracting a Colombian lady, be ready for her expression of feelings in public. PDA isn’t strict at all in Colombia (especially in comparison with Asian and European countries). Colombian dating culture is all about letting everyone know you’re in love and happy. Well, of course, you should remember about decencies and not overstep the mark of basic politeness and common sense. But kissing, hugging, touching is totally fine in Colombia when there are people around.
Dating in Colombia implies being straightforward and sincere about your feelings and intentions. The good news for you is that there’s no game-playing when you’re involved in relationships in Colombia. If a girl is interested in you, you’ll know. You’ll have much less of those “Does she really like me?” or “When is she going to text me back?”. However, she’ll expect a similar attitude from you. Your words and your actions should coincide. If you mislead her by telling her one thing and doing something opposite, oh guy, be sure, you’re going to get into big trouble.

One of the tips on dating a Colombian woman anyone will certainly give you is to be respectful towards your girlfriend’s family. In general, Colombians have a very family-oriented culture. That’s why you should be ready for her family to be a part of your dating. Colombian dating norms dictate it’s totally fine to get acquainted with your partner’s whole family in the early stages of your relationship, visit all relatives’ birthdays, and be very close.
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Gender roles
The majority of people in Colombia still stick to traditional gender roles in dating and marriage. Even though women suffer from lots of problems like discrimination, underpayment, and domestic violence, they still see men as the heads of the family and main providers. Ladies also expect men to be more initiative, be the first who ask out on dates, and suggest activities. In a word, Colombian dating and marriage customs are quite traditional when it comes to gender roles.
Colombian dating etiquette
How does dating work in Colombia? Is it challenging for foreigners? Not at all if you learn a few etiquette rules.

- Men pay the bill. This proves the prevalence of classic gender roles in Colombia. A Colombian girl will suggest going Dutch in very rare cases. If you want to look strong, independent, and powerful in her eyes, be generous. And not just with money. Women appreciate how much time and attention you devote to them, not less than how much money you can spend on a date.
- Presents aren’t optional. Hopefully, now you have a better understanding of Colombian culture and get it that women expect courtesy. Flowers, chocolates, presents aren’t just some material things girls strive to acquire. This is proof of your feelings and your desire to make your girlfriend happy. Remember about romance? It’s a must!
- Courtship is expected. For example, Colombian dating etiquette implies men help women with the coat, with the seat, and with the car door. Another unspoken rule—when a man is picking his girlfriend at home, he shouldn’t wait for her inside the car or taxi. Wait for her outside to give her a charming hello and to help to open the door and get into.
On the one hand, Colombian dating traditions have pretty much in common with what you’re used to. Women all around the world want men to be decent, helpful, and supportive. On the other hand, there are many peculiarities you’ll have to learn and adjust to. But isn’t it great to experience something absolutely different? What do you think? Ready to plunge into a world of passionate and expressive Colombian dating?