How To Flirt WIth A Colombian Girl So She Wants To Marry You

“Bebe,” “Mi Corazon,” and “Mi Amor” are only a small part of Colombian flirting phrases you can hear right in the streets of the country. If you’ve ever watched at least one episode of a telenovela, you could have noticed that finding a Colombian bride, you’ll need to know how to compliment a Colombian girl and practice flirting a little. We’ve collected the most popular romantic phrases–you’ve got to add them to your vocabulary.
Flirt With Real Colombian Girls Now

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Colombian love phrases to become a flirt guru
Colombia is associated with salsa, good coffee, rich traditions, stunning women, and romantic culture. Locals love to compliment each other and freely express their feelings. Flirting in Colombia can be compared to art. It’s totally Ok to start talking to a beautiful stranger on the street and tell her a few sweet words. Besides, Colombian girls like men with a foreign accent, so you can easily get her phone number. And if you dance like a God and know how to date Columbian women, you’ll definitely succeed in your love game.

Here are a few Colombian love phrases that will help you make your Spanish sweeter:
- Mi cielo – my sky.
- Princesa – princess.
- Mi amor – my love, my sweetheart.
- Bebe – baby.
- Corazon – heart.
- Me gustas – I like you.
- Me gusta tu sonrisa – I like your smile.
- Mi reina – my queen.
- Mueca – doll.
- Mi Tesoro – my treasure.
You can go creative with the Spanish language and make some words sound cuter. If you add the ending “-ita,” you’ll sweeten your vocabulary. For example:
- Amorcita.
- Bebecita.
- Princesita.
How to text a Colombian girl?
When communicating with Colombian women online, you also have to turn the flirting mode on to attract them. Here are some text examples to woo a Colombian girl:

- No puedo dejar de pensar en ti – I can’t stop thinking about you.
- Tengo les ojos llenos de ganas de verte – My eyes are full of desire to see you; can’t wait to see you.
- Pasas tanto tiempo en mi mente, debería cobrarte alquiler – You spend so much time in my mind, I should charge you rent.
- Pienso en ti siempre – I always think of you.
- Estoy loco por ti – I’m crazy about you.
How to compliment a Colombian girl?
If you still don’t know who has more chances to win in the Colombian vs American women battle, just think about the flirty nature of pretty Latinas. They’re romantic to the bone and simply can’t live without smiling and exchanging a couple of sweet words with men. Moreover, Colombian ladies really love compliments, and they appreciate it even if you say something banal. But in case you want to make an unforgettable impression, you should know how to compliment a Colombian girl so that she would fall in love with you. The following phrases will make her yours:
- Tienas una sonrisa muy hermosa – Your smile is wonderful.
- Estas muy guapa – You look beautiful.
- Nunca habia visto ojos tan bonitos como los tuyos – I have never seen eyes prettier than yours.
- Te ves preciosa – You look gorgeous.
- Eres la chica mas bonita que conozco – You’re the most beautiful girl I know.
- Que hace una estrella volando tan bajito? – Why is the star flying so low?
- Eres un angel que se ha caido del cielo – You are an angel fallen from the sky.
- Tus ojos brillan como las estrellas – Your eyes shine like stars.

You can use the following Colombian words for girlfriend to express affection:
- Estoy loco por ti – I’m crazy about you.
- No puedo vibir sin ti – I can’t live without you.
- Te deseo – I long for you.
Use the mentioned Colombian flirting phrases to diversify your Spanish vocabulary and attract any woman. Remember that practice makes perfect–even if you make a few mistakes, a girl will still like you and even find it cute. Chances are Spanish flirting words and compliments will open a new romantic world to you.