12 Tips to Survive Long Distance Relationships

Nobody claims that maintaining long-distance relationships is easy, but that does not mean they are doomed to failure. Simple changes in habits, lifestyle and general attitude will help you maintain intimacy with a loved one.
1. Stay connected.
Since you do not get to see in person, it is important for you to establish an emotional connection and maintain it as often as possible. You do not need to hold lengthy conversations every time. Frequent and brief communication will be a sign that you invest in the relationship enough time and effort. It will help you to stay up to date with events in each other’s life. The human brain has the ability to forget everything, and your love is no exception. The main reason why long-distance love break down is the loss of interest of someone who continues to live their own lives and does not constantly think about another person.
2. Talk about everyday little things.
Do not think that every conversation you need to discuss your relationship, hopes or dreams seriously. Instead, focus on the little things, which would say a couple living together – shopping, householding chores, changing the decor in the apartment. In other words, you need to pretend that you are still together and one of you just temporarily went on a business trip. Do not make a tragedy out of it, because such a strategy will negatively affect the mood of both of you and your distance relationship. A negative mood can even extend to the object of your love.
3. Meet your partner more often.
Try to visit each other as often as possible with your work, study or finances. You need to see each other personally at every opportunity. You should not expect that your love will remain because it is real. In addition, to try to be closer remotely, try to see each other with all your strength. If the problem is in finances, you can even get a temporary job in another country to meet there. Now there are many opportunities for this.

4. Try to get to know each other.
As in any relationship, you have to take time to get to know your partner and learn to understand him or her. During conversations pay attention to what he/she loves the most (hobbies, interests, everyday activities) and try to learn more about it, then you will have more to discuss.
5. Support each other.
Be there when your partner is bad when he/she is in trouble or other life difficulties. You should always be ready to help. There is a simple explanation for this: even if he / she has friends and relatives who can help, your connection will be lost every time you do not help. You must be the first person to support your lover if you have a serious long distance dating.
6. Build a relationship of trust.
Trust is vital for any relationship, regardless of distance. Frequent use of email and other ways of communication facilitates the development of trust in a relationship. However, if you begin to notice that you are being visited by negative thoughts and you are thinking about what he / she could do without you, you should calm down. If you have no good reason to suspect your partner of something, forget about it and work on your trust. This will help you with making long distance relationship work.
7. Avoid wrong actions because you are angry or upset about something.
Conversation is key point. Do not discuss problems as it can impede the establishment of contact. You cannot hold a good conversation if you are angry or in a panic.
8. Get something in common.
Create the web page where you both can access, for example, a blog or photo album. It gives you a new way of communication and feeling that you do something together.
9. Do the same things at the same time.
It will reduce the distance and build an invisible bridge between you. You will feel closer to each other, and your relationship will be strengthened. Read the same book or article. Watch movie or series staying in touch and discussing what is happening.
10. Maintain common interests.
Select an activity you both like. For example, you can start online foreign language course. Do what you both are interested. It is a great way of being together and the topics source for conversations.
11. Let the partner feel unique.
Try to do little nice things showing your love. You can write letters and send it by email. You can send small gifts, cards or flowers for no reason. Express mail and delivery services give you a way to send almost everything.
12. Establish contacts.
It is important to feel that you occupy a certain place in partner’s life. Try to meet with his/her friends online or in real life. It will help you better understand each other and facilitate communication.
Remember, all relationships require hard work and constant attention, whether it is near or far from you. If you suffer obstacles together, it will strengthen your relationship.