How To Court A Woman: Everything Men Should Know

How to court someone? Often, the stage of courtship defines how well your relationship will go and what impression a woman will have of you. That’s why it’s important not to screw up and make everything right. Explore everything about courting a woman and tips for doing that successfully right here.
What does it mean to court someone?
It was many years ago when courting a lady was something all men did — poor and rich, kings and servants. It was almost obligatory. It was a tradition. Today the world has changed and dating has become faster and easier. Men and women meet each other online through lots of sites and start dating immediately even without knowing each other well yet. Such dating might last for long, but sometimes it’s a matter of a few weeks maximum.
That’s because the courting stage is omitted by almost everyone. But, luckily, it’s coming back and more people start thinking about it as something significant. So, what is it? Courting comes before a couple enters the relationship. It’s a kind of dating style with little-to-no intimacy. This is a period when two people who like each other communicate and get to know each other better.

It’s also accompanied by exchanging presents, giving compliments, texting, spending time together, but still keeping distance. As a rule, men are the ones who court a woman trying to get in good graces. However, the modern world dictates new rules and girls are becoming more initiative in courting too.
In a word, this is a traditional way of getting to know a woman better before you decide whether you want to commit to a serious relationship and marry her. It’s about being a gentleman who wants to make a girl feel special and let her know he’s interested in her. Courtship often implies that, in the end, you’re going to marry. Or, more precisely, you court to understand if you want to marry.
How does courtship work?
Every woman and every specific case is unique and everyone may have different intentions, plans, and general perception of what courtship is. But if talking about it in general, it works the following way:
- People meet and understand they have an interest in each other. Attraction appears. They want to get to know one other more.
- A period of courting begins. That’s when a man should understand courtships and dating are different and he’ll have to be committed.
- A man shows attentions in various forms — asks out for dinners, pays for them, gives flowers or sends them to her office or home, texts to know how she’s doing, helps when she needs it, etc.
- A woman accepts the courting and lets a man know if she’s into it and likes it or she’s not interested.
- The courtship period either turns into dating and a committed relationship with final marriage, or it ends when a couple understands they aren’t compatible.
How long should a courtship last?
No one can give a certain answer to this question as everyone has their own expectations. What may be good for one couple turns out to be bad for another. The emphasis on discerning marriage is crucial in a courtship relationship.
It means both woman and man understand it’s not about aimless dating when people may just have fun with no purpose for commitment and family. Courting is about making a final decision about marriage. How long does it usually take? It depends.
Sometimes people need a few months. Sometimes it takes years to understand whether you want to marry a person. It’s generally advised not to make it more than 3 years. However, there are people who believe that courtship should be longer (6-7 years). Anyway, try not to go extremes and choose something in-between. The best way out would be to take as long you need.

Tips on how to court a woman properly
Find the best well-tried recommendations on how to court a girl below.
- Learn the difference between courting and dating. It’s significant. You may date just for the sake of dating. You hang out together. But you court with a purpose to know a person and decide on marriage.
- Hang out as friends for some time. You don’t want to hurry things when courting a woman. If you plan to marry her, you need to learn her better as a personality. Get to know her better by having more friendly talks, asking her about her dreams, plans, values.
- Get acquainted with her family. Families are different and some might not expect you to participate in family events or help them. However, many parents want to know what man courts their daughter, and their opinion is crucial. That’s why you need to make a good impression.
- Make sure you’re on the same page with her. Courting may vary and not all people take it so seriously and regard marriage as a final aim. Sometimes it’s similar to dating (serious and committed). Explain your position and ask what she thinks about it and how she sees your relationship.
- Be romantic. Finally, do what most women expect from men — do small pleasant surprises, give gifts and flowers, compliment her, and help when she needs you. Be someone she can rely on and prove you’re husband-material, so she could see you as a family.
So, how to court a lady? Seems like it’s not that challenging if you know what you want. In fact, when you meet the right person, you have no questions about courting her. You just enjoy the process. Agree? Don’t be afraid of giving 100% of your attention when courting!