What Makes Russian Girls So Special Or How To Recognize A Special Russian Woman?

Sometimes it is difficult to find an exact answer to this question. The only thing that comes across the mind thinking about Russian women is a comparison with a snowflake. They are tender, beautiful, and unique. As you know, snowflakes have designs that never repeat and Russian ladies are similar. Despite some common features, each of them is a unique personality that requires a special approach.
At the same time, there are still some general representations of all Russian girls for marriage and they are different from ladies of other nationalities. This article has collected 7 things that differentiate ladies from millions of others, and here’s what makes Russian girls so special.

Neat and sharp look amplifies their natural beauty
Undoubtedly, not only Russian women have an adorable appearance. There are many countries where ladies can boast natural beauty, but what makes Russian women special is the ability to accentuate other people’s attention to their appealing look. They know how to make their natural beauty more attractive by applying makeup, wearing fitting clothes, choosing proper accessories, and paying attention to details in their look. As a result, their perfect image drives men mad and sticks in their memory forever.
Endless patience
There is hardly any woman to tolerate infidelity but the number of things Russian women can turn a blind eye on is quite big. They are strong enough to experience life challenges and still look happy and attractive. They know how to behave with rude men and can cope with some men’s jobs easily. Russian girls are very patient in family relationships and this is exactly the thing why so many families in the Russian Federation never split up.
Intolerance to bad habits
Most of Russian women do not approve of smoking and alcohol. They avoid nasty habits and can not tolerate others doing that. You may wonder what is then with Russian vodka? Probably, addiction to this strong drink of local men has even increased their negative attitude to bad habits.
Russian ladies can be called special because they are excellent interlocutors. They have a good sense of humor and can support conversation almost on any topic. They are highly intelligent because 4 out of 5 high-school graduates enter universities and colleges, so it is interesting to interact with them.
Excellent hostess and housewife
Emancipated American women do not treat household affairs as importantly as Russian ladies do. The latter ones cook with pleasure and keep their homes tidy no matter how hard it is. Some girls combine a full-time job with all home duties and never complain about that.
Family-oriented nature
If you ask a Russian girl about her life priorities, 90% of them say this is family and kids. They are caring and attentive mothers, wives, grannies who rarely entrust their kids to nannies but try to devote them as much free time as they have. They honor their husbands and would tolerate many domestic inconveniences so that their family members could feel happy.

Raised in traditional patriarchal families
Child happiness depends on relationships between adults.Kids take after their parents when they grow up and build their relationships. It means girls raised in traditional Russian families try to copy their kind, nurturing, and caring mothers as well as perceive a man as the head of the family.
Undoubtedly, Russian girls are special if you compare them with ladies from other countries. They respect customs, honor elderies, and have a number of qualities and traits that can seem impossible to combine in a woman. However, all the challenges and events from the past have shaped them exactly the same as they are now, and currently, women are not so much emancipated as ladies from abroad. You will never find anyone similar to them on the globe!