A Detailed Guide On How To Become A Mail Order Bride

If you can’t find the right man, you shouldn’t give up trying. It’s only necessary to change your attitude and consider the opportunity of becoming a mail order bride. You can join the army of girls from different countries and search for a reliable partner from abroad. Modern international dating websites are equipped with effective communication tools allowing members to enjoy their romantic journey. So, where to begin? Read this guide to find out the main steps to starting your path as a mail order bride and much more.
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Is it legal to be a mail order bride?
This question worries both men and women all over the world. However, you can be sure that the desire to find a partner overseas isn’t illegal. In fact, international marriages are a common thing today. Besides, men started seeking foreign wives long ago, so you don’t cross any lines. It’s definitely allowed to seek women from abroad in the USA, Canada, and Europe. Girls from Latin America, Asia, EU, and Slavic countries register on dating sites and get acquainted with guys. You can learn more about mail order spouse legality if you need additional information on this question.
First steps in becoming a mail order bride?

The very first step is to find a foreign dating service that is reliable and trustworthy. There’s a whole separate article that can help you determine what the best ones are! Once you’ve chosen a website, create an account . Usually, the brides join the website for free, but men typically have to pay.
- When you create your account, you’ll have to fill in details like your email, name, date of birth(and your age) as well as your location. This is all pretty basic.
- Next, you’ll have to add in more specific details about yourself. Things you enjoy, hobbies, the particular qualities you look for in a man, that sort of thing! You might also want to add in details your religion, habits such as smoking and drinking, whether or not you have children and so on. Having all of these filled in will help the algorithms determine the best matches for you, getting you hitched up with Mr.Right as soon as possible!
- Always remember to add pictures of yourself! You could have the most interesting profile in the world, but without pictures no one would want to speak to you. Good lighting, good angles and smiles will be your best friend when it comes to getting men to talk to you. More specifically, think about the kind of man you want to attract. Different men have different tastes, so the way you dress, your facial expression and posing will determine the kind of man you attract!
- With this, your profile is ready and you can begin your search for that dream husband you’ve always wanted!
How do I find the right man for me?
Remember all those details you filled in for your profile earlier? Well, the search works two ways.
The First (Lounging)
The men on the website are typically more aggressive in their searches. Using the advanced search tools, they refine their searches down to the most specific details to find their dream wife. The problem is you might have to wait a long time for a man to use the specific search parameters to lead him to your profile! This is why for women, the second method is more preferable.
The Second (Proactive)
The search tool isn’t restricted to men! Mail order brides can use the tools to pinpoint her perfect man amongst the plethora of user profiles. This proactive method guarantees success much quicker than simply lounging around, waiting for your man to happen upon you by chance.
Should I become a mail order American bride?
This is a deeply personal question that you must ask yourself before you embark on this journey.
- Are you happy in the country you live in?
- Do the men of your nation keep you happy and satisfied?
- Do you want to stay where you are in life right now?
If you answered ‘No’ to these questions, then being a mail order bride might be the right choice for you. Hold your horses though, there’s more!
- Do you want to meet and fall in love with new and exciting foreign men?
- Would you like to learn new languages?
- Would you like to live in a foreign country?
- Are you bored of the life you currently live?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to these questions, then you will most definitely love being a mail order bride!
These simple insightful questions will help you realize if you truly want to learn how to be a mail order bride or not. You are encouraged to be honest with yourself before you embark on this life-changing endeavor.
What are the risks of becoming a mail order bride?
Every good thing comes with risks, and mail order brides are no different. The few risks that mail order brides may face are listed below, so read them carefully to prepare yourself, just in case!
Using the wrong websites
It is extremely important that you choose the right platform to begin with! There are quite a few reputable websites, but there are also others that can be malicious. There’s an entire article on how to spot the dodgy websites, so that’s worth keeping in mind.
Getting ghosted/broken up with
This is something you’ll have to deal with in any field of dating. Sometimes you’ll find yourself talking to an interesting man, thinking all is going great! Then, one day, poof! No more messages. You can try to message or call him, but you never get a response. It’s one of those parts of dating that you simply have to deal with.
In the same vein, sometimes you’ll realize that the man you’re talking to isn’t the right person. Of course you can ghost him, but that’s incredibly rude. It’s always much more polite to explain to him that you simply don’t believe he’s the one, and that you’re better off going your separate ways. However, the choice whether to ghost him or break up with him is always yours to make.
Judgemental folk
Everywhere you go, you’ll find people sticking their noses where it doesn’t belong. Close-minded people look down upon all sorts of relationships that began online. You might try to make them understand, but some people simply cannot see reason. They just can’t fathom the fact that true love can be found on mail order bride websites, and when they see happy mail order couples, they become bitter. The best retort to this is simply be as happy with your husband as possible in their presence!
Which features of mail order brides attract men most of all?
Beauty isn’t the most important thing for a romantic relationship. Men seeking girls online value the following female features a lot:
- Attentiveness. A mail order bride should take care of her partner, listen to him, support him emotionally, and help him get through difficulties. This quality is crucial for any relationship.
- Flexibility. A woman should be able to accept compromises and search for the best way to resolve conflict situations. Men appreciate it when a girl prefers a calm conversation to a quarrel. And if she’s ready to accept his mistakes, it’s a cherry on top of the cake.
- Openness. Foreign guys search for ladies who would discuss their desires and goals with them. For men, it’s important to know what their wives are thinking about. Moreover, that’s how a relationship works.
- Devotion. You should be ready to dedicate yourself to your family. Of course, a man won’t mind it if you decide to work after marrying him and bearing a baby, but you’ll need to learn how to combine job and personal life. A husband and kids mustn’t suffer from your absence when you focus on your career.
So, should you become a mail order bride?
For a lady who’s tired of experiencing the same kind of man over and over, and hasn’t had any new experiences in ages, becoming a mail order bride is ideal! The chances of you meeting your soulmate are much higher on a mail order bride website than it is a dive bar, so why not take that leap of faith? At the very worst, you’ll talk to a few interesting people. The best case scenario, however: You’ll end up with that white picket fence home, the kids, car and your loving husband to boot.
It’s safe to say that the rewards outweigh the risks. You’ve learnt how to become a mail order bride. Now, set off on your search for your happily ever after today!